Thursday, January 20, 2011

Salvation is Not Dependent on a Good Memory!

This past week, a dear saint of God who was a member of our church passed from this life into eternity after a prolonged illness that robbed her of her mind long before her body ceased to live.

In her final days on this earth, Mrs. Geraldine Hoagland spent most of her time sleeping, and no longer recognized even her loving and faithful husband of 60 years.

One of the last times I visited with Geri, she was mostly unresponsive as I spoke to her and prayed with her.  But then, I began to sing the chorus:
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus.  
There’s just something about that name. 
Master! Savior! Jesus!
Like a fragrance after the rain.  
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus. 
Let all heaven and earth proclaim.  
Kings and kingdoms will all pass away.  
But there’s something about that name!
                (William J Gaither, ©1970)

As I sang to her, suddenly Geri’s lips began to move, and she began to sing along with me, “Jesus, Jesus, Jesus.”  We then sang “I Just Keep Trusting My Lord” and “Because He Lives.”  Then, she went back to sleep.  It was a precious few moments.

As I went back to my car, I thanked God that salvation is secure, not based on our memory, but on the promise of God by whose Holy Spirit we “are sealed until the day of redemption” (Ephesians 4:30).  

While Geri’s memory was gone, God’s Holy Spirit still indwelt her, and she still sang the songs of Zion in her last days in this life.

At the graveside service, we were reminded of the words of that great song of hope for every believer, “When We All Get to Heaven”:

        Sing the wondrous love of Jesus,
        Sing His mercy and His grace.
        In the mansions bright and blessed,
        He’ll prepare for us a place.

        Let us then be true and faithful,
        Trusting, serving, everyday.
        Just a glimpse of Him in glory
        Will the toils of life repay!
Onward to the prize before us,
        Soon His beauty we’ll behold.
        Soon the pearly gates will open,
        We shall tread the streets of gold.

        When we all get to heaven,
        What a day of rejoicing that will be!
        When we all see Jesus,
        We’ll sing and shout the victory!
                        (Eliza Hewitt, Emily Wilson, public domain)

So, now Geri, along with countless other saints who have gone before, waits at the foot of the throne of God for the day when Jesus Christ will return and reunite her spirit with a resurrected body, free from pain and disease, forever to live with her dear Savior.

Along with Geri, I am so glad that salvation is not dependent on how good my memory is, but rather, it is dependent on the promise of God!  “For he hath said, I will never leave thee nor forsake thee” (Hebrews 13:5).

"For I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that he is able, to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day" (2 Timothy 1:12)

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